Shri Banwarilal Purohit, Hon'ble Governor, Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh launching the leaflet of National Conference on Recent Advances in School Education (RASE 2023) at Raj Bhawan, Punjab.
Dr. Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education, Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secratery, Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Shri Saurabh Sharma, Dy. Registrar, PTU invited Shri Anurag Thakur, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports; and Minister of Information and Broadcasting to be a Chief Guest in RASE2023.
Dr. Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education, Mr. Mandeep Tiwari and Mr. Karan Goel invited Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Ji, Union Minister of Education to be a Chief Guest in RASE 2023.
Shri Vijay Kumar Nadda, Organising Secretary, Vidya Bharti (North Region); Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secreatry, Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Shri Sanyog Dutt inviting Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Hon’ble Governor, Haryana to be a Chief Guest in closing ceremony of RASE2023.

Shiksha MahaKumbh 2023 Successfully Completed on June 9-11, 2023 @ NIT Jalandhar, To Watch the Event Click Here

The primary objective of the conference is to create an atmosphere for the implementation of NEP 2020. Further, the conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars and industry to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of School Education. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, educators and industry to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Global School Education for the sustainable growth of the society.

About NIT Jalandhar

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (erstwhile REC Jalandhar), was established in the year 1987 and attained the status of National Institute of Technology on October 17, 2002. As National Institute of Technology, the Institute has a responsibility of providing high quality technical education in Engineering and Technology to produce competent technical manpower for the country. The Institute offers BTech programmes in twelve disciplines of Engineering and Technology along with the research programmes leading to MSc, MTech and PhD degrees. The Institute has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with many prestigious institutes such as Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Ecole Centrale de Lille, France, University of Johannesburg, South Africa along with other Universities abroad including UK, USA and Canada for the mutual academic exchange program and further strengthening of the academics and research.

About Saravhitkari Education Society

Sarvhitkari Educational Society is a state unit of Vidya Bharti - Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Sansthan. Sarvhitkari Educational Society traces its roots to the legacy that has been reforming and redefining Punjab’s educational scenario for 50 years with its inception in the year 1970. In Punjab, it is running 124 formal schools, 341 informal educational institutions (Sanskar Kenders), 2 Skill Development Centres and a think tank Department for shaping the future of school education. Sarvhitkari Educational Society considers education a main source for social transformation, so the focus remains in imparting quality and value based education to the students based on Bhartiya culture and history.


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9 जून से 11 जून 2023 को पंजाब की पावन धरा पर पुनीत कार्य शिक्षा महाकुंभ में मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में शामिल होने के लिए मध्यप्रदेश के यशस्वी मुख्यमंत्री माननीय श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान जी से आग्रह हेतु विद्याभारती मध्यप्रदेश के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष परम सम्मानीय श्री बनवारी लाल सक्सेना जी के नेतृत्व में शिक्षा महाकुंभ के राष्ट्रीय समन्वयक श्री संयोग दत्त जी, मीडिया प्रभारी डॉ. अमित कंसल जी,क्षेत्रीय समन्वयक डॉ हितल पटेल जी, प्रदेश प्रभारी डॉ.मनोज मिश्रा जी, प्रदेश समन्वयक कवि राकेश डांगी जी एवं प्रदेश सदस्य श्री हर्ष परिहार जी ने माननीय मुख्यमंत्री जी से उनके निवास में मुलाकात किए। माननीय मुख्यमंत्री जी ने कार्यक्रम हेतु अपनी शुभेक्षा प्रदान की तथा कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने का आश्वासन भी दिया।

West Zone Team in Co-ordination with Shri Sanyog Dutt and Shri Amit Kansal inviting Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Firebrand Member of Parliament to be a Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ - RASE2023’

Central Team in Co-ordination with Shri Chander Has and Shri Kamal Sandhu inviting Shri Moolchand Sharma, Hon’ble Minister, Higher Education, Haryana to be a Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ - RASE2023’

West Zone Team in Co-ordination with Shri Sanyog Dutt and Shri Amit Kansal inviting Shri Mangubhai C. Patel, Hon'ble Governor, Madhya Pradesh to be a Chief Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ - RASE2023’

राष्ट्रीय मीडिया संयोजक, अमित कंसल जी एवं समन्वयक श्री संयोग दत्त जी के नेतृत्व में वेस्ट ज़ोन ने मध्य प्रदेश के माननीय स्कूल शिक्षा मंत्री श्री इंद्र सिंह परमार जी को #भोपाल में #शिक्षामहाकुंभ का निमंत्रण पत्र दिया। मध्य प्रदेश की टोली से भाई श्री राकेश दांगी जी, भाई श्री हर्ष परिहार जी और भाई श्री मनोज मिश्रा जी के साथ रहे।

Adv Rajat Verma, Rakesh Verma and Kabir Khunger inviting Dr Baljit Kaur, Cabinet Minister for Social Security, Women and Child Development, Punjab as a Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ - RASE2023

Shri Sanyog Dutt and other members of West Zone inviting Acharya Devvrat, Hon’ble Governor, Gujrat to be a guest in शिक्षा महाकुम्भ i.e "RASE2023

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Prof Devendra Singh; Dr Neeraj Pant and Prof Manjit Bansal inviting Prof Renu Vig, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab University to be a Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ i.e. RASE2023.

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Dr Neeraj Pant and Prof Manjit Bansal inviting Prof Baldev Setia, Director, Punjab Engineering College to be a Keynote Speaker in शिक्षा महाकुंभ i.e. RASE2023.

Prof. Manjit Bansal, Dean MRSPTU, Bathinda, Sh. Pankaj Jindal CA, Sh. Vinay ji and Adv. Gurpreet Singh invited Prof. Dr. Raghvendra P. Tiwari, Vice Chancellor Central University of Punjab (Bhatinda) to deliver a Keynote Talk in RASE2023.

Prof. Manjit Bansal, Dean MRSPTU, Bathinda and Adv. Gurpreet Singh invited Prof. Sukhjit Singh, Registrar, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo (Distt. Bhatinda) to deliver a Keynote Talk in RASE2023.

Prof. Manjit Bansal, Dean MRSPTU, Bathinda and Adv. Gurpreet Singh invited Prof. Dr. S.K. Bawa, Vice Chancellor Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (Distt. Bhatinda) to deliver a Keynote Talk in RASE2023.

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Dr Amit Kansal; Dr Neeraj Pant and Ms Niharika inviting Shri Shiv Prakash, National Joint General Secretary (Organisation), BJP to be a Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ i.e. RASE2023.

>Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Dr Amit Kansal; Dr Neeraj Pant and Ms Niharika inviting Shri Shiv Prakash, National Joint General Secretary (Organisation), BJP to be a Guest in शिक्षा महाकुंभ i.e. RASE2023

Dr. Thakur SKR, Director of the Department of Holistic Education; Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secretary of the Sarvhitkari Educational Society; and Shri Navneet Goel and Shri Sanyog Dutt are inviting Prof. Shailendra Jain, Director SLIET, to deliver a keynote talk at RASE2023.

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Saurabh Sharma, Shri Pradeep Singh, Amritsar Mahangar Pracharak and Shri Sanyog Dutt invited Prof. Dr. Nagarajan Ramamoorthy, Director, IIM Amritsar to be a Guest in ‘शिक्षा महाकुंभ’ RASE

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Sanyog Dutt; Shri Mandeep Tiwari and Shri Ramit Vasudeva invited Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla, Hon'ble Governor, Himachal Pradesh to be a Chief Guest in RASE2023.

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Sanyog Dutt; Shri Mandeep Tiwari and Shri Ramit Vasudeva invited Shri Rohit Thakur, Hon’ble Education Minister, Government of Himachal Pradesh to be a Guest in RASE2023.

Shri Vijay Kumar Nadda, Organising Secretary, Vidya Bharti (North Region); Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Sanyog Dutt and Shri Prem Gugnani invited Sardar Bhagwant Mann, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Punjab to be a Chief Guest in RASE2023.

Shri Vijay Kumar Nadda, Organising Secratery, Vidya Bharti (North Region); Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education and Shri Sanyog Dutt invited Prof. B. K. Kuthiala, Chairman, Haryana State Higher Education Council to be a Guest in RASE2023.

Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secretary, Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Shri Sanyog Dutt invited Prof. D. K. Singh, Director AIIMS Bhatinda to deliver a Keynote Talk in RASE2023.

Shri Subhash Chandra Ralhan, Chairperson, Board of Governors, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology; Shri M P Jain, Maninya Vibhag Sanghchalak, Ludhiana Vibhag; Shri Vijay Nadda, Organising Secretary, Vidya Bharti (North Region); Shri Pankaj Jindal, Seh-Sanyojak, Swadeshi Jagran Manch and Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education released the leaflet of RASE2023 in Ludhiana.

2nd Press Conference of RASE2023 was held at Sunam, Sangrur. Press Conference was addressed by Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education. Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secretary, Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Shri Sanyog Dutt were also present in the press conference.

Shri Vijay Kumar Nadda, Organising Secretary, Vidya Bharti (North Region); Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education; Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secreatry, Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Shri Sanyog Dutt invited Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Hon’ble Governor, Haryana to be a Chief Guest in closing ceremony of RASE2023.

Shri Vijay Kumar Nadda, Organising Secretary, Vidya Bharti (North Region) and Dr Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education had a discussion with Shri Kanwar Pal Gurjar, Education Minister, Government of Haryana about RASE2023. Shri Gurjar extended his all support to RASE2023. On this occasion, Shri Sanyog Dutt and Shri Rajat Verma were present.

Dr. Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education, Shri Chander Has Gupta, Secretary, Sarvhitkari Educational Society and Shri Saurabh Sharma, Dy. Registrar, PTU invited Shri Anurag Thakur, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports; and Minister of Information and Broadcasting to be a Chief Guest in RASE2023.

Dr. Thakur SKR, Director, Department of Holistic Education and Prof. Navdeep Shekhar, General Secretary, Sarvhitkari Educational Society invited Shri. Vijay Sampla, Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Caste, and Former Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment to be a Guest in RASE2023.

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